Cegelec Défense Solutions & Services include CBRNe risks comprehensive mitigation solutions such as COLPRO shelters and Mobile Decontamination Units. CEGELEC Défense teams with leading French partner companies from the “Défense NBC” Economic Interest Group (EIG).



The Chemical, biological, radiological nuclear and explosion risks represent a high-level threat. The populace is particularly vulnerable to this type of threat. They primarily relate to the use of chemical weapons (terrorism), industrial incidents, natural or environmental catastrophes, natural or induced viral pandemics.

Cegelec Defence solutions include adapted design and equipment in fixed infrastructure  as well as mobile analysis and detection laboratories or protection and decontamination facilities addressing the nuclear, radiological, biological or chemical threats. The company leverages the capabilities from Défense NBC IEG actors as required.


Providing professionals (soldiers, fire-fighters, security services, police officers, industrial companies, emergency services, local authorities) with mobile solutions for detection, decontamination and protection in order to mitigate CBRN threats:

  • Dissemination of CBRN agents,
  • Detection of a device or terrorists ready to disseminate CBRN agents,
  • Contamination of the population or the environment (air, water, food, etc.),
  • Contamination or infection of the population and consumables (water, food, health-care products, etc.).

Solutions to deal with any eventuality


CEGELEC Défense provides various solutions: decontamination module, collective protection shelter (COLPRO).  Initially based on development programmes dedicated at meeting French Armed Forces requirements, the solutions are perfectly suited for civil defence and military operations, notably in response to terrorist attacks against the population.

These “all-in-one” systems are designed to favour agility and reduce energy use. They come with one or more additional Utility modules to supply power and other services, and to process air or liquid/solid waste, etc.

In November 2017, CEGELEC Défense enlarged this NRBCe segment and announced the imminent release on the market of a new-generation equipment : SPALAX-NG, developed by CEA (French Commissariat for Atomic Energy) and integrated by Cegelec Défense.

This equipment allows detection and precise quantification of Xe isotopes (marker of a nuclear explosion) and is the evolution of the initial SPALAX system, in use by CTBTO / IMS (Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organisation / International Monitoring System), a UN preparatory commission based in Vienna.

SPALAX-NG sets a gap and technological disruption in having drastically improved sampling capability, efficiency of the purification and concentration stages, as well as detection and quantification. The size of the system has also been greatly reduced, allowing its installation / relocation by only 2 persons. The system has been designed in order to cope with an availability exceeding 95% on the base of a continuous and permanent operation.

Download CBRNe sheet for more details.

Download SPALAX-NG sheet for more details.